


At Oakwood mathematics is taught using the principles of Teaching for Mastery and planning is underpinned by the 5 big ideas:

  • Coherence
  • Mathematical thinking
  • Representation and structure
  • Fluency
  • Variation

We believe pupils develop mathematical understanding through connecting new mathematical ideas and concepts to previous learning. Teachers use small step planning to ensure maths lessons are a carefully sequenced conceptual journey. New concepts are taught through the use of carefully chosen models and images, which reveal the structure behind mathematical concepts and build understanding from year to year.


Pupils practice new learning, using a range of examples to deepen understanding, as well as applying their learning in a range of non-standard problems. We believe it is important for pupils to gain automaticity in basic number facts and procedures so time is given to develop mathematical fluency, which is planned and taught regularly.


We believe that all pupils should have access to high quality tasks and expect the majority of pupils to move on at broadly the same rate. Those pupils who grasp concepts quickly are provided with opportunities to deepen  their understanding rather than simply moving onto new mathematical learning. To support pupils who are in danger of falling behind, we use pre-teaching and assigning competence as an intervention to enable more pupils to take an active part in mathematics lessons.

Parent Sessions at Oakwood