
British Values

British Values

The Trust curriculum promotes British Values which include experiences to fulfil pupils’ wider role in their community through support for local community events in the library, church, Food Bank and charity initiatives.  Each school also participates in city events such as Christmas events, musical festivals, PE Festivals, Holocaust memorial and MKC Heroes activities and national events such as World Book Day, National Science Week, Anti-bully Week, Safer Internet Day and other charity events.


 SMSC and British Values Overview 

Autumn Term 1

Autumn Term 2

Spring Term 1

Spring Term 2

Summer Term 1

Summer Term 2

Moral development -Harvest Festival and sharing of food.


Black History Month


PSHE Week – Safety


Earth Science Week


Mental Health Day


Camping Residential


Christmas Celebrations


Anti-Bullying Week


Christmas Fayre




World Safer Internet Day

Safety Week

Diversity Day


Careers Week


British Science Week


Nethercott – Residential 


Easter Celebrations


National Poetry Week





London Residential


Sports Day


Summer Fayre

RE Lessons throughout the year promote spiritual and cultural development

Online Safety Lessons

Democracy – School Champions, Head Boy and Head Girl, Eco Squad.